MrWills – Legacies

Gifts in Wills (often referred to as a legacy) are a vital source of income for many charities.
By remembering your favourite charities, you can help ensure that their good work will continue. The charitable donation can be as much or as little as you like – whatever the amount, it can make a difference.
MR Wills, an appointed representative of Heritage Will Writers, regularly deal with requests to leave charitable gifts in a Will. As dedicated Will Writers we ensure that the process is very simple and clear for you. MR Wills offers Sal’s Shoes supporters a free consultation to discuss their needs.
For all new business written through MR Wills they donate 10% of their net income. Please note, you are under no obligation to leave a legacy/charitable donation.
To book your free home visit or telephone consultation, call Michael Rogerson on 07810 200637 or email [email protected] (quoting code SALS SHOES1)